Sunday, 7 February 2010

New Year!

Haven't written anything for a while... oh well!
My work has changed quite a bit since I last wrote on here, I'm now doing performance work which is really scary! Still based on the same stuff, like word manipulation etc, but now it's performed!
For a show&listen seminar in uni I did my first performance and it actually went well! I used stuff I'd written in my travel journal and edited the text using the N+7 method. I performed this as if I was just talking about my holiday, I used visuals in a slideshow to emphasize the fact that the words I was saying did not relate to the pictures.
People said it was almost as if I'd made up my own language which was interesting! Because some words were repeated a lot, the viewer could understand what the word was referring to. For example, the word "city" becomes "civil war" when translated using the N+7 method!
Just need to work out how to move the work forward ready for the degree show, scary!