Tuesday 19 October 2010

So much for not having much to blog about...

That was a bit of an essay I just posted! Oh well!
Just remembered an interesting article I read the other day about performance art being sellable.
It talks about different ways in which performance art can be sold, the two main ones being, as a video or some other form of documentation, the second being the buyer actually purchasing the idea behind the piece and receiving instructions on how to re-create the performance themselves. 
I admit I did scim through the article a little bit, but it was the fact that people do actually sell performance art that interested me. 
I wonder how much my 'Nuce Brauman' script would go for on eBay?!

Read the full article here.

Long time no post..

Can't believe I've not updated this since August!
To be honest I don't really have much to blog about. I started working in a shop two months ago, so I've been working most days trying to save up for my Australia trip. The job is fine and the people I work with are nice, but I just feel like my brain is slowly dying as I'm not having to think about much while I'm there. I want to be doing something that's making me think and that is something I really love doing and am passionate about, but unfortunately I don't have any idea what that is!

With blogs, Twitter and Facebook all keeping me updated with exciting things other people are doing, lots related to art, I almost feel guilty in a way for not making more of an effort to keep my performance practice going. I don't know why but I just can't bring myself to start making new work. I don't know whether it's the fact that now I'm not in university I have to work a lot harder to get my work seen so have less motivation to do something, or that I'm actually not interested enough in making artwork to carry on with it. Who knows...

I wish I could just have a few weeks of not having to work, just to think about what I actually want to do with my life... Yes, I'm going to Australia next year, but what about when I come back? I don't want to slip back into my current daily routine which at the moment consists of going to work, then at least three of the following: obsessively researching Australia, seeing my boyfriend, watching rubbish TV, reading about what other people have been up to on social networking sites, eating and sleeping... 

I suppose I just have to take one step at a time and not worry so much about what everyone else is doing, or what other people think I should be doing. At the moment I need to work to get money, so I can go to Australia next year, the one thing I am certain I want to do. It's a means to an end, as my mum keeps telling me! Maybe my travels will give me time to reflect and help me decide what I want to do next and see what life brings...